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Knowing When the End is Near

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Knowing When the End is Near

Postby 400lbsonacubseatspring » Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:33 pm

It has occured to me that some of us have the ability to sense when the end of our lives is close at hand, and although we may not make a fuss about it, we may do things to prepare for precisely that end.

My Grandmother, more than 30 years ago, sensed she was near the end, and on the day before she fell ill, asked my uncle to take her to the cemetary for a visit. I walked with her among the many graves of her loved ones, as her family was immense at one time. I never saw her cry so much, as she stopped at each one, and silently prayed, and, I imagine, spoke to each and every one of them. After several hours we returned home. The next day, she collapsed while on the telephone, and died from, of all things, a bleeding ulcer at 78.

My aunt Mary, just 2 days before she died, asked her children to sell me her house and little farm here, and told them the price to ask. None of us ever saw her alive again, as she died suddenly from the frequent, sudden, low blood sugars that were common for her. Of course, I couldn't refuse, and my family now happily lives here.

This past Friday, my last surviving Uncle, William, passed away. He and I have not gotten along in many years. You see, William ceased to value family, and began worshiping money as his god some 20 years ago. This change of his split my family devisively for all time. In his final days at home, before he took ill, he laid out all of his pertainent papers upon his desktop, unknown at the time to his wife. He took her shopping for groceries, insisting that they "stock up" on a lot of items. When he felt he had everything in order, he asked her to take him to the hospital. Immediately upon arrival, he took a serious heart attack, and possibly a stroke. His last conscious expression, being true to his character, was for her to tear up the payment he had written some weeks before in his "outbox" for a vacation they had planned in May. Always being concerned about money first, of course, instead of telling his wife he loved her, he was worried about this non-refundable deposit, knowing he would never see the outside of a hospital again.

If, one day, the knowledge of my demise is granted to me, I hope that my last thoughts in this life are not those of the mundane. If they are, then let me finish in the earth or in the fire, as I am not worthy of continuing on.

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Postby beaconlight » Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:14 am

Strange way to be but at least he was consistant. I don't know what purpose that serves but he had it.


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