Pellet Mill


501 Club
Just got this thing from an auction. Nobody had a clue what it was! Anyway after some going over, I got it running. 13 hp chimineese motor with electric start ! and I am sure the whole mill is chimineese! One heavy dude too! Looks like new and everything turns good,-- no wear showing. I want to try wood pellets in it. Got a bunch of sawdust and now setting up a hammermill and chipper to make material to run thru it.


So this thing makes wood pellets out of smaller wood material (like sawdust)?
Or this makes pellets out of larger materials (like wood chips and small sticks)????
fine stuff like sawdust is best. I will run stuff thru the Veermer 1600 chipper then thru the hammermill to further break it down. Kinda a test right now to see how goes! lol!
Here ya go John,--- a couple pix. The rollers rotate 1 direction and the die rotates the other direction spitting out pellets of whatever you are processing. Feed or fuel pellets can be made with it. Mean lookin critter when its runnin! lol!


From what little I can find out the moisture is best at 14 to 16% range to make them stick together. Bean oil for fuel pellets would probably be better than water . Might make them burn hotter.

Hope to get time to set up the hammermill this fall. I have a test pile of chips spread out to dry now and will run them thru the hammermill with a fine screen in it. Also have quite a pile of sawdust and shavings in the shed from last winter woodworking and greenhouse build.
Another thing I would like to try is grinding up grass of all kinds, -- guess you call it bio-mass? and turn that into fuel pellets too. Dont see why it wont work. BTU content would probably be different.