David Hummel
A week or so ago I pulled my dad's old Farmall cub out of the barn where it has been sitting for around 15-20 years. It is a 1949 model. The engine is currently locked up, any suggestions on getting it unlocked? I am currently thinking that I am in need of a engine rebuild. I have worked on farm equipment my whole life but have never really torn this deep into an engine before. I am thinking that I want to take the engine off the tractor and put it on a stand to rebuild it. On one of the pictures, I post you will see that 2 out of 4 cylinders have let pb blaster past the rings. I am really just looking for tips or suggestions on what I should do, I am going to put the head back on and pressure wash it this weekend before I really tear into it. How hard is it to pull the engine? What's the best way to break it free? Should I buy a hand crank for it?