The VINE forum classified's returns to FarmallCub.Com.
We have addressed the main issues and they are outlined in the "Forum Rules" at the top of the VINE forum. It is imperative that everyone READ and FOLLOW these three rules to keep the classifieds in the forum. We are SERIOUS about the consequences of not following the rules. Continued abuses of the forum classifieds will risk ALL members of losing ALL classifieds permanently.
Q. Where are all the sub-forums (Cub's, Cadets, Other, etc.)?
A. One forum, one classified ad section.
Q. Where do I post an old Vine style non-member ad (link to Craigslist or eBay)?
A. In the VINE. NOTE: Be sure to let the members know you are not connected to the external ad or potentially be responsible for any transactions between the members and non-members!
Q. Can I link to an ad I have on Craigslist or eBay?
A. Yes.
Q. If I can't complain about another member or their ad in the VINE, who do I complain too?
A. To the PERSON you have an issue with. Always be civil in any discussion with other members; you are adults and we require you conduct yourself appropriately.
Q. What happens if I double post (by accident or on purpose)?
A. Double posts will be deleted without warning. Continued double posts will result in a graduated offense, depending on previous offenses. (NOTE: This is general site policy.)
Q. Can I report a post?
A. YES; provided it is a valid issue and not a complaint.
Q. Can I get my ad stickied?
A. If you have an item(s) you are giving away or selling at cost and it can be of benefit to ALL members, PM the administrator, Dennis, explaining what you are attempting to accomplish.
Q. I purchased a wagon load of equipment and most of it I'm going to keep and sell the rest. Can I post a picture of it in the other forums?
A. NO. Anything posted in any other forum that is sold within the 90 days is considered trolling.
Q. Can I post a picture in the forum of something I have in the VINE?
A. NO. This is trolling.
Q. I have other questions about the VINE (not complaints), how do I ask them?
A. Send them in a PM to the administrator, Dennis and he will answer and consolidate them into this list of FAQ's.
Q. Someone sent me an abusive PM about my ad or comment. What should I do?
A. Forward the PM to the administrator, Dennis. ALL site rules are fully in force in ANY forum on FarmallCub.Com and misuse of the PM system is one of the site rules.
Q. My ad expired (was purged) and the item did not sell. Can I re-post another ad?
A. Yes.
Q. My ad needs to be updated and I cannot edit my post (no edit button). How do I amend or correct information?
A. Simply add another post (reply) to your ad with the amended/corrected information.
Q. How long will my ad run on the site before it is purged?
A. 21 days from the last activity (post); maximum 42 days.
We have addressed the main issues and they are outlined in the "Forum Rules" at the top of the VINE forum. It is imperative that everyone READ and FOLLOW these three rules to keep the classifieds in the forum. We are SERIOUS about the consequences of not following the rules. Continued abuses of the forum classifieds will risk ALL members of losing ALL classifieds permanently.
Q. Where are all the sub-forums (Cub's, Cadets, Other, etc.)?
A. One forum, one classified ad section.
Q. Where do I post an old Vine style non-member ad (link to Craigslist or eBay)?
A. In the VINE. NOTE: Be sure to let the members know you are not connected to the external ad or potentially be responsible for any transactions between the members and non-members!
Q. Can I link to an ad I have on Craigslist or eBay?
A. Yes.
Q. If I can't complain about another member or their ad in the VINE, who do I complain too?
A. To the PERSON you have an issue with. Always be civil in any discussion with other members; you are adults and we require you conduct yourself appropriately.
Q. What happens if I double post (by accident or on purpose)?
A. Double posts will be deleted without warning. Continued double posts will result in a graduated offense, depending on previous offenses. (NOTE: This is general site policy.)
Q. Can I report a post?
A. YES; provided it is a valid issue and not a complaint.
Q. Can I get my ad stickied?
A. If you have an item(s) you are giving away or selling at cost and it can be of benefit to ALL members, PM the administrator, Dennis, explaining what you are attempting to accomplish.
Q. I purchased a wagon load of equipment and most of it I'm going to keep and sell the rest. Can I post a picture of it in the other forums?
A. NO. Anything posted in any other forum that is sold within the 90 days is considered trolling.
Q. Can I post a picture in the forum of something I have in the VINE?
A. NO. This is trolling.
Q. I have other questions about the VINE (not complaints), how do I ask them?
A. Send them in a PM to the administrator, Dennis and he will answer and consolidate them into this list of FAQ's.
Q. Someone sent me an abusive PM about my ad or comment. What should I do?
A. Forward the PM to the administrator, Dennis. ALL site rules are fully in force in ANY forum on FarmallCub.Com and misuse of the PM system is one of the site rules.
A. Yes.
Q. My ad needs to be updated and I cannot edit my post (no edit button). How do I amend or correct information?
A. Simply add another post (reply) to your ad with the amended/corrected information.
A. 21 days from the last activity (post); maximum 42 days.
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