The Cub Book of Knowledge

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501 Club
The CBoK has grown and had to change. First was the updated sticky trying to organize and make more sense of the topics within and hopefully make it more like a book. Now the CBoK is actually more like a book as it now has it's own read only forum. Here we will find the different chapters of the CBoK organized into individual threads. Each chapter of the book is listed below in the index and there are active links to each chapter. As new chapters emerge, they will be reflected in the forum. Simply click the link and you will be taken to the new chapter. Comments and suggestions for format, layout and articles are always welcome. :D

  • Index to the CBoK:
    • Areas where we work and play:
      1. In The Barn - Topics relating to working on our Cubs. Simple maintenance to repair and restoration of our Cubs and Cub Implements including modifications.
      2. In The Field - Topics relating to actually working with our Cubs and Implements.
      3. In The Shop - Topics relating to Tools, Jigs, Safety and specialized parts repair topics.
      4. In The Library - Topics relating to how to find a new to you Cub to finding parts for our Cubs, Electrolysis, Hydrualics to topics on Oils, Fluids
      5. In The Classroom - Topics relating to basic mechanics, body work, painting etc.,
      6. Gatherings - Topics relating to Tractor Shows, Cub-a-Rama, CubFests and other venues where us Cub-a-holics tend to congregate.
      7. On The Forums - Topics relating to picture hosting, resizing, posting and other forum related topics.
      8. Collecting Stuff - Topics relating to Ertl 1/16" Miniatures and other brands, Pedal Tractors and other Cub/IH related memorabilia.

Note: As of 19-01-10 there are 146 articles in the CBoK :!:
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