Super C rear lift will not go down


Well-known member
I have a 1954 Sper C and the rear lift will raise but not lower. The front hydraulics work fine. Have taken apart touch control and cleaned. Also cleaned the valve body at the seat. Any suggestions? Have order two new hoses for the rear lift.
Since they have down pressure in the back it seems like it would be in the TC although I never had mine apart.
Is the "rear lift" a Fast-Hitch with the standard controls or something else? Once it is up, how do you get it down?
This is getting out of my area, but here goes.

Does it have a check-valve assembly? It would be a rectangular block with probably 4 hydraulic lines/hoses connected. If working properly, the valve is released by "down" hydraulic pressure to let the "up" line drain back to the Touch-Control unit. It may be on the platform near the tool box. If something has gone wrong in it, it could be causing your problem. It is a pretty simple system, problem about has to be in this valve, the control valve , or the hoses.
had similar valves apart as described by Jim, found the valves were stuck with debris, cleaned them up, flush the system, new oil and been ok
Jim we have come to the same conclusion. The hoses from the block to cylinder are very old. Going to replace those next week. Then look at the internal workings of the block to see what may be wrong. Thanks
The TC only brings a hydraulic fluid reservoir to the party. Pressure comes directly from the pump to the fast hitch control valve on the side of the TC.

It's the same idea as the bypass block on a Cub, and is getting into the realm of "big tractor" hydraulics.

Does the tractor act like it's TRYING to lower the fast hitch when you move the control valve? The engine should grunt a little when you try.

There may be a two-way check valve in between the control valve on the TC and the fast hitch lift cylinder. The purpose of the check valve is to prevent the hitch from moving due to leak-through in the control valve. It also keeps the hitch from dropping if one of the lines between the control and check valves bursts. My foot will attest to the fact that it does nothing if you disconnect the hose from the fast hitch cylinder itself.