Poor people have poor ways! The steering wheel on Katrina was totally trashed - being too tight to cough up $50 for a new one, went this way. Stripped the wheel down to bare metal, painted the spokes - glued 1/2" foam pipe insulation (had to cut it down by about 1/2" to fit snuggly)around it w/quick setting epoxy glue. Bought a leather (vinyl) wheel wrap from the auto parts store and viola!! Leather wrapped, foam padded steering wheel!
Cost - foam pipe insulation 4' - $ .98
epoxy quick glue 2.86
Steering wheel wrap 3.89
Total cost 7.73
Plus 2 hours sitting on the screen porch in NC!!!!!
Cost - foam pipe insulation 4' - $ .98
epoxy quick glue 2.86
Steering wheel wrap 3.89
Total cost 7.73
Plus 2 hours sitting on the screen porch in NC!!!!!