Posting pics with an IPhone or Ipad


501 Club
Don’t know if I discovered something everyone else already knew but I was having trouble posting pics from my Apple devices because they were too large and the iPhone or pad doesn’t include resize in their edit function like a regular computer does.
I found it could be done in a left hand sort of way by pinching the screen image to reduce its size with one hand and while it’s reduced I’d take a screenshot. Then using the edit function I’d use the reframe/cut feature to trim off the areas outside the image I’m keeping. The result is an image size that the forum will accept as an attachment. ;)
Thanks for the tip Mike! There are apps that do this also, but I like using built in features like your method.

I also found this article that if you follow the directions makes an easy resize photo using Apples built-in features. I don’t know why they didn’t automatically make it available in the photo app. ... -shortcuts
Thanks Mike, I copied your tip , along with Dennis' reply, into the How To" forum under the "Using The Forum" section.
I’ve posted about this before. And it’s probably dependent on which version you’re running, but when you click ‘add files’ and select a pic(s), at the bottom left of screen there is an ‘options’ link. Then pick size


Took me about 15-20 seconds to post this pic of my grandson
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this is all my options has.
When I click on the add files it goes to my pix folder
I probably missed something anyway since I can see the phone screen to start with but I was just curious to see if it worked! lol!
Sonny, click on the ‘attachments’ tab right beside ‘options’ tab that you described in your comment