PDF Manuals Library (New members)

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Staff member
Special thanks to Rudi, Allen Look and Bob in CT for their pioneering efforts to make these manuals available to members. Be sure to thank them if these online manuals help you!

The Farmall Cub Community PDF Library was built by member for members. Access to the current library, requires the following criteria grant access:

1. 10+ (approved) posts.
2. 30 Days of active forum membership.

Soon after those two requirements are met, you'll be placed in the "Library" group; it may take a few hours (it's not instant, be patient).

Your Host,
PS: Need a manual page and can't wait, check the Rudi's manual archives: https://farmallcub.com/community/threads/rudis-manual-server-mirror-site.95317/

PSS: Have a manual or manuals that is not in our collection? Want to share it with other members? Note, they must be public domain (no copyrights). Contact Dennis: Cub@farmallcub.com
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