I inherited an old International Harvest Cub Cadet Low Boy from my father, and am looking for someone that can repair the tractor to get it running again. I live in Western NY and would appreciate and recommendations.
Do you have pictures that you can include so we know exactly what you have.
There are two (2) versions of the International Cub Loboy and three (3) versions of the International Loboy #154, 184 & 185.
Thanks for the reference to the post. I have read thru the list and it seems very helpful. I was hoping to find someone locally to do the initial work or at least give me some hands on guidance. I have called around to see if anyone knows anyone that might work on these tractors and keep running into a dead end. I also keep thinking about just selling the thing also.
One member here, gitractorman may be able to point you in the right direction. He hasn't visited here in a couple months so wouldn't have seen your question. He might see a PM. You could try sending him one asking your question.
You might try asking at North Otto Tractor Parts, I am not aware that he does any repair. He may be able to give you a referral.