How I Spent My Summer Vacation - Part 1

ricky racer

501 Club
This past summer during the last two weeks of July, I was able to fulfill a desire that I have held for as long as I can remember, take a motorcycle trip out west traveling through the Rockies. I've been out there several times vacationing with family and even hunting elk one time in Idaho. However, every time I was out there, I'd always say, "man I wish I could ride out here on my bike". But as a working man, I could never muster the time off of work needed to make the trip happen. I always used my vacation time to either vacation with my family and to spend deer hunting with one of my best friends.
I wanted to travel either by myself or with my wife Tracy but although she likes to go for a ride, traveling is not in the cards for her. I've tried traveling with a group of other guys but traveling in a group of other motorcyclists just isn't for me. I decided to leave early Sunday morning the 16th. Since I had to travel through Chicago, I figured that Sunday morning would probably be the best time. The first day I traveled through northern Illinois, a portion of Wisconsin across Minnesota landing for the night in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I chose to camp as I traveled not only to save money but travelling in July, the height of vacation season, the chances of finding motel rooms especially out west seemed to iffy to chance it. I thought I'd share a few pictures of my trip in case anyone is interested.

The first night in Sioux Falls, SD.

Badlands National Park, SD


Black Hills, SD.

Needles Hwy., SD.
Bear Tooth Pass, Montana

Camping in grizzly country is a bit unnerving but at least they have bear boxes for each campsite. This was on Bear Tooth Pass.

Yellowstone National Park, WY
The Grand Tetons, WY

The wide open spaces out west are beautiful and offer outstanding evening views.

Fossil Butte, WY

Flaming Gorge, UT.
Pikes Peak, Colorado

Independence Pass, Colorado

San Juan Skyway, Colorado

My plan was to spend some time in southern Utah but as I travelled through Colorado, around Loveland, the temperatures rose to, according to my motorcycle, 115 degrees. That was just too hot for what I had planned in Utah which included some off roading which would require lower speeds and between the lower speeds and the more difficult terrain that combined with the heat wave made me turn for home after the San Juan Skyway. All in all, an awesome trip and I really want to thank my fantastic wife for letting me take a couple of weeks out of our life to fulfill a dream.
Fantastic Ricky!
Congrats on getting this bucket list trip done.

Somewhere in my Dad’s stuff is a photo album of his mother’s brother on his cross country trip in the late 1920’s-early 1930’s on an Indian Motorcycle. All black & white but equally spectacular. He started his trip from Onamia, MN.

The west is best described as “majestic” in my mind. Been to Arizona in 1982 and western Montana in 2015.
Here in New England, you need to be on a hill or mountain top to see any distance.

Enjoyed your photos.
Great pictures! You were about 15 miles away from us when you were in Loveland. Could have offered you a shower and bed. :D
Bob McCarty":2jaosun5 said:
Great pictures! You were about 15 miles away from us when you were in Loveland. Could have offered you a shower and bed. :D
I was thinking about you when I was out there but my time was limited and it was so hot out, I just wanted to keep moving. I might have to make another trip out there to hit the areas in Utah I didn't make it to. :wink: