Cub Rear Main Seal Upgrade


501 Club
Cub Rear Main Seal Upgrade
Many Rear Seals Leak Badly, are loose in the housing, spin, fall out etc, you are not alone, Send me your old Rear Seal Retainer, I will return a retainer to you that has been machined with a new upgraded seal installed, housing has been flattened as they are almost always warped, damaged threads have been helicoiled if needed, the unit is ready to install, cost is $69.00 which includes return shipping in the USA
Seal Failure Causes
Seal Failures, take a look why the seal failed so you do not have repeat failures, you only want to do this job once, many of these old cubs are worn out after being around so many years, so when you split the tractor 1st grab the flywheel and try pushing and pulling it front to back to check for end play of the crankshaft, it should only have around .003 to .005 end play, if it is worn more the crankshaft will move back and forth and just hammer the seal to death, most of the time the main thrust bearing is worn out and needs to be replaced, so if you have this problem and do not repair it will destroy the new seal also,
if the crankshaft is scored, or has a groove in it where the seal rides they do sell a repair sleeve to correct that issue, again if not corrected new seal will fail also
Can my Retainer be Upgraded ?
If the housing is cracked broken etc, toss it, measure across the OD of the seal, if it is less than 4 " yes it can be upgraded, if it is already this size it has been worked on in the past and if the seal is loose it will not be upgradeable

Installation Tips for Rear Seal Retainer

Do Not Use silicone sealer, replace the retainer and oil pan gaskets, use a good sealer on the gaskets such as Permatex aviation sealer or Indian Head, lube seal and put some grease in the back side of the seal to make sure the seal spring does not pop out during install, torque bolts to 18 foot pounds, flywheel to crankshaft bolts need to be sealed as the crankshaft is drilled all the way through and oil will leak back out through the bolts, oil pans gasket surface may be warped and needs to be flattened also if needed

Send me a PM for shipping address and payment info or more questions
thanks Tim

Seals went up in price and Post Office raised rates again


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