Thanks, Jeff. Yes, it hugs the ground like a 240-pound fullback. Straight front axle and rear finals are turned 90 degrees. Torque tube is shorter than its brother the model B.
Gary, I had it at the Mid-Michigan Old Gas Tractor Association (MMOGTA) show this past August and did a walk-around video. The restoration was done in 2017 but I touched up some of the cast after a minor repair and painted the plow, which sits outside year round.
One thing that has bothered me about it is the belt pulley PTO shaft. After replacing the oil seal a few months ago, I came up with an idea to solve the dangerous condition of the open PTO when the hydraulics are activated: a 3-inch rubber coupler for PVC pipe and a 3" cap with hose clamps on each end - one to attach the cover to the cast iron and the other to hold the cap in place. I painted the cap the same color as the tractor and the cover looks like it belongs there. 'Now I can step over the final drive axel without fear of the unthinkable.
Looking out the window now and the white stuff has begun to descend and expected to do so into tomorrow. And, then some more.