Deer can be a big problem. In one night, they can do a lot of damage. Putting a deer-proof fence around the garden is an option. But it takes a lot to build a fence they can't jump. My garden area is 200x50. I'm not going to build 500 feet of deer fence. So I decided to try a much less imposing electric fence. Not knowing if it would work, I decided to try it on the cheap and test the effectiveness. I went with cheap metal posts that I can easily stab into the ground (all sand). I put up a single strand of wire and powered it with an inexpensive AC fencer. Later on, I was getting some rabbit trouble. I added a very low wire, limited to the actual area where small vegetables were planted (took maybe 300 to 350 feet). This layout makes it pretty easy to move or to open a section when I want to use a tractor in the garden.
It has worked pretty well. The wire height is critical. You want the deer to bump into it with their chest, so they jump back. If they are head-down and bump it with their back or neck, they will jump forward putting them in the garden. It appears that they continue to test the fence on a nearly daily basis. At the end of this season, I shut off the power but left the fence up for a while. Inside of one or two days, they had explored every square foot of the garden. It was completely covered with deer tracks. Doing it over, I would use the next heavier posts. When they do occasionally tangle into it, they usually bend the corner posts. Other times they just stretch or pull loose the wire. An occasional deer getting through is something I can live with. Starting over, I would also go with a better battery or solar charger. I need 200 feet of extension cord to run my current one. The extension cords can be a nuisance. If I hadn't had them on hand, they would have cost enough to pay for a good upgrade to the charger.