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What is A Cub Pro?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 10:08 pm
by Rudi
What is A Cub Pro?

Many of you have probably seen and have become familiar with the two new avatars that a number of members sport.

Image --- and --- Image

Team Cub ---- --- ---- Cub Pro

Most pretty well know what and who Team Cub is. We are the forum Moderators. But Who are the Cub Pro's :?: and what is the Cub Pro Program actually all about :?: This short explanation hopefully will try to familiarize you with the program.

The Cub Pro's Program membership recognizes those individuals who consistently go above and beyond the everyday expectation to assist forum members. They are long time forum members who freely contribute valuable information and assistance to those in need – a Mentor if you will. They are those who have participated in or hosted CubFests, Cubaramas and similar events. They have shared their various areas of expertise with others expecting nothing in return. They are also active participants on the forum and many have websites that compliment by providing additional information or services to members.

By far, the most outstanding characteristic of a Cub Pro is the respect that is earned by them from other members of the forum. Also, Cub Pro's in concert with Team Cub are also representatives of our Community -- Ambassadors so to speak, and strive to ensure that our very best foot is always placed to the fore :!: